When To Cut Down Your Willow Tree?

Willow trees are one of the most beautiful species. If you have one in your front or backyard, you would not want to bring it down. Unfortunately, willow trees can, like other trees, get damaged due to storms or winds. Moreover, trees can suffer from different diseases such as fungi, infections, damaged roots, etc. that are going to make it even worse. So, we will help you decide when is the right time to cut down your willow tree using tree removal services.

The Roots Are Poking Out Of The Ground

Trees have varying root systems. Some root systems tend to expand relatively a lot more than others. The willow tree root system is shallow. It helps the tree absorb much better water. This means that the roots are completely underground, reaching up to 4-6 inches away from the tree itself.

But, sometimes, this is not the case. If the soil tends to erode, it will leave some space around the previously buried roots. With time, as the tree aged, it could be that the previous roots under the soil also grew and extended to the point where they are poking out of the ground.

It could also be that the roots struggled to find water and developed a peculiar root system to find a source of water and survive. Whatever might be the reason, exposed roots tend to be a significant issue. The problem with such roots is that if someone were to damage them by accident, you wouldn’t be able to do anything about it.

Exposed roots can also be an issue for animals and people walking by. If the roots are hidden under grass or something, it might serve as a tripping hazard and cause serious injuries.

You Are Tired Of Looking After Them

This is a valid reason for you to cut down your willow tree. As mentioned earlier, there is no doubt that willow trees are beautiful but come with a cost as well. These trees when compared to others tend to make quite a lot of mess and require maintenance and upkeep as a result.

So, if you notice that your willow tree has become more of a burden than joy, you will need to cut it down. Willow trees are often overlooked due to their high maintenance. For instance, weeping willows tend to have stems that grow towards the ground rather than the sky.

As a result, their branches need to be pruned every year or else they become a dense, tangled curtain. Plus, tiny point willow leaves look beautiful on the tree but can be a nightmare when it comes to raking. This means you should also invest in good-quality maintenance tools.

This will help you perform complicated tasks with ease. And, if you still feel the pressure or can’t do it due to time issues, you are better off calling a professional.

There’s Damage To The Willow Tree’s Trunk

You might think that the trunk is a minor part of the tree and does not require much attention but it is a major part of the tree, which is responsible for the tree’s survival and not just holding the branches in place. The prime responsibility of the trunk is to absorb nutrients or receive them from the roots and transport them to the branches.

When a tree is alive, the trunk happens to be wet from the inside. But, when it dies, the trunk turns hard and dry due to the absence of water and nutrients. Considering the importance of the trunk, you must perform regular inspections to ensure the trunk is in good shape.

Tree trunks tend to bear a lot of infections, diseases, etc. that can influence the supply of nutrients to the rest of the tree. If the trunk happens to be damaged, the tree will not be able to receive nutrients. This means that if the trunk is damaged to the point where it is not able to support the tree, you will need to cut it down.

The Majority Of The Branches Are Damaged

It is normal for trees to experience one or two damaged branches. But if there are multiple damaged branches, it’s a sign that the tree is struggling to survive. Ideally, you should prune and remove the branches. At the same time, walk around the tree and try to look for unusual signs & symptoms.

It might be that the tree is suffering from some type of infection and needs immediate attention. In addition to that, you must also notice the leaves turning into an unusual color and falling. This is a clear hint that the tree is under stress. You will need to prune or cut the affected areas so that the disease does not spread to the other parts. Consult tree services Kensington for advice.

There Is Fungus Or Other Issues With The Tree

Fungus happens to be one of the biggest enemies of willow trees. If ignored, fungus can prove deadly and may force you to cut down the tree entirely. The problem with fungus is that it may or may not be visible. If you spot mushrooms and mold, it means the fungus is growing.

You will be able to prevent the expansion of the fungus by investing in the proper chemicals but if you have ignored the issue for quite a bit of time, you might need to cut that part of the tree down. Most experts are also of the opinion that fungus or disease areas of the tree should be removed to prevent issues from spreading to other trees.

The Willow Tree Has A Hollow Trunk

If your willow tree tends to have a hollow trunk, you are leaving it out for birds, animals, and insects to take accommodation. During the winter season, animals tend to find shelter and the hollow trunk of your willow tree might just be what they are looking for.

A hollow trunk means the tree trunks are already dead and that the stem of the tree has stopped functioning properly, not allowing the transportation of nutrients to the upper part of the tree. This also means that decomposition is taking place and the inside part of the tree trunk is missing. This could be a recipe for disaster.

That said, if you observe that the tree is hollow, you should call in an arborist immediately. As mentioned earlier, hollow trunks can also make great hiding places for snakes and other reptiles that might be dangerous especially if you have kids in the house.

Your Willow Tree Is Leaning

If your willow tree is leaning, it might pose a threat to you and the neighbors as well. If the tree happens to be small, you may be able to handle it yourself. But, if the tree happens to be large, you will need to contact the relevant authorities to manage the tree.

A leaning tree could also be an issue during extreme weather conditions. A tree in such a condition is most likely weak or damaged to the point where it is not able to support itself. It might be that the roots have died and the decomposition process has begun.

Whatever the underlying cause may be, you should immediately consult an arborist and address the issue. Strong winds can easily break the branches that might come in contact with or fall on someone resulting in serious injuries.


You should make sure that you perform regular inspections and maintenance and keep an eye out for unusual signs. If the signs are bleak, hire tree removal companies Potomac for tree felling.

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